The One Word Method: Sparking Change; Creating Focus

The One Word Method: Sparking Change; Creating Focus

Are you familiar with the “One Word” method? (If not, check out this post!) The Sass team attended a One Word workshop back in January and each of us chose a word we wanted to focus on for the year. We resolved to check in with one another during our quarterly meetings. These conversations have been monumental for team building, as they provide opportunity to be vulnerable with one another.

With our third meeting coming up next week, I thought I’d share my reflections on how my word has affected my life over the past nine months.

If you’ve done the One Word method before, you know that your word often finds you. I started 2018 with a word in mind, but something about it didn’t feel right. Then, out of the blue, the perfect word appeared in my mind.


Why this word matters

One of the greatest gifts my parents bestowed upon me as a child was constant reassurance that I could do anything I put my mind to. I entered adulthood with a healthy dose of confidence, but “real life” knocked me down a few pegs. Two devastating personal losses left me feeling weak, insecure, and even a bit afraid. I lost my spark, and for a time I didn’t know if I’d ever get it back.

A few years have passed, and I finally feel back to my old self. When the word “capable” came to mind, I knew it was meant for me. It was time to lean back into the confidence I once had in myself.

How I’ve changed

My One Word has affected every aspect of my life. At work, I’ve taken on more responsibilities and learned a handful of new skills (which, in the past, would have intimidated me). I’ve taken on a leadership role at my church. I joined a friend in a difficult food “detox” challenge. (Listen, I LOVE to eat!)

Whether I’m responding to my toddler’s tantrums or fielding a dozen new e-mails at work, my response has become I am capable.

I am capable of trying new things. It might be scary, but I can do it! I am capable of doing hard things. I am capable to go after what I want.

Why the One Word method matters

What I love about this method is that it isn’t a resolution. If you’re willing, your word will change who you are, how you view the world, and how you interact with other people. Your One Word becomes your guiding light; the filter through which you allow things to pass. It’s an intentional language you’ve chosen to speak. A fearful person might chose the word brave. A stressed person might choose the word peace. 

There’s no right or wrong word — like I said, your word often chooses you. As we ease into the final quarter of the year, consider what 2019 may hold. Who knows? A word might float into your brain and you’ll know.