How to Throw a Successful Small Event

small event

How to Throw a Successful Small Event

So you wanna throw a successful small event? Here’s some tips to keep in mind when gearing up to launch an event.

Develop your event dream team

The first rule of throwing a successful small event is don’t try to do everything by yourself! Assemble a small team to delegate tasks to. Include a key point person for organizing the details and following up with the dream team. This is crucial for ensuring the quality of the event and for avoiding burnout. Team work makes the dream workkkkk!

Planning and logistics

At Sass we love taking the time to have event planning meetings. We figure out all the details for events, delegate then let the magic happen. Things to keep in mind when planning… Who is the market? How is the event going to flow? Is there a schedule? Who is MC-ing the event? Food? Drinks? Decorations? Clean-up?

Establish a budget and goal

During the planning process, it’s good to establish your goal and budget for the event. Figure out a realistic budget based on the projected revenue. Make sure to include budgeting for promoting the event (otherwise how will anyone know about your amazingly awesome event?!). I love a good PNL Excel spreadsheet (profit and loss) to keep me organized and tracking the budget. 10/10 recommend.

Brainstorm creative ways to market the event

Find fun, new ways to create buzz about the event. Stay present on social media through ticket giveaways, live videos and updates to generate excitement. Check out our blog post on social media trends.

Enjoy the event

If all has been planned and organized well, the event will flow naturally. Take time to enjoy the event and be present. Do everything in your power to promote good vibes at the event!


After you’ve had time to recover from the event, schedule a time to meet with the dream team to recap the event. What worked well vs what didn’t? Things to consider for next time? Suggestions or concerns about anything? It’s also nice to send a follow-up to the attendees to thank them and get feedback.

Practice makes perfect. The more events you have, the easier planning will become.